OCR Output

XeAel4e August 5 °
- page two ¬

Three puzzling manifestations and two revealing decisions e

Last December 13th, a large meeting was held under the
auspices of the Movement against Racism, against Anti-semitism and
for Peace, Maitre André Blumel, Avocat de la Cour, was presiding. |
The main speakers were the Great-Rabbi Fuchs and the Nditor-in-Chief |
of the Christian review "Esprit", Jean-Marie Domenache Leaders and
‘representatives of extreme-left groups and of the communist Labor
Unions (CGT, "Confédération Générale du Travail") attended ana
side-by-side with them a number of outstanding intellectals, a
Catholic priest, a Protestant minister and three rabbise A resolution |
was adopted, protesting against German re-armament. It was decided
to submit that detkaration to the French government, to the
representatives of the Big Four ana to UNO.

Two months later - at the occasion of the interdiction of
a communist manifestation - a similar group of Christian intellectuals |
signed a declaration of solidarity that was published by the 1
leftist newspaper "L'Humanité" in its issues of February 9th and


S : :
And again, early in June, a declaration appeared on Paris |
walls: it was a protest against the dismissal of 400 employees of

workers, followed the strike order issued by the leftist Labor Union,
cot, This appeal of solidarity, onee more, was signed by both
outstanding marxists and by well-known intellectuals, such as

artists, professors, judges, writers, professionals. Soe of the |
names figuring on the manifest were: Benoit Frachon Secretary General
of the CGT, Raymond Guyot communist deputy of Paris, Maurice

Cukerman secretary of the leftist Popular French Help; and side-by-sid
with them: Dominican Father Chenu, Mr.Didier President of the Court

of Appeals, Mr.Domenach Chief-Hditor of "Esprit", Mr.Adamart member

of the "Institut", Emile Labeyrie ex-govemor of the Bank of Fraace,
Father Hollande Superior of the "Mission de Paris" (replaced in the
meantime) and several others.

§ This certainely seems tö be the most amazing coalition and
its repetition proves that it is ot purely accidental. Two recent
communist moves however help to c arify the picture and explain its

In the month of February, an intemational study and
training course was held in Viennd under Cominform auspices. It was
devoted to the formation of "specialists" in the atheistic fights
about fifty carefully selected communists, designated to work in
Catholic or Catholic-governed Luropean countries - Austria, Belgium,
France, Italy, Spain ana Western Germanys
Some of the conclusions reached after the two weeks! discussions,
were of far-reaching consequences, Although Communism remains
fundamentally and totally opposed to @hristianity, it was decided
that for tactical reasons, religion should not be openky attacked
in the countries concerned, at least for the time being. Initiative
in any anti-religious moves should be outwardly left to liberals
and to socialists; while communist activity on these issues should
not relax, but remain hidden. As to the Christians - especially the
members of the clergy - they should be cleverly induced to participate
MeMDersS eni and economic fighting fronts, especially along 55.