OCR Output

Noel4e £ ha 2e


NOTE: (highly confidential). Informations received by
a high-ranking Church authority prove the extgeme importance to
be attached to the facts shown in the present extensive report.
World attention should be drawn on what is going on in the French
elite, :

While there are outstanding #renchmen who fight with
greatest heroism against prévailing tendencies and consequently
ate treated as "warmongers" or as "anti-social and reactionnaries®,
other and very influential groups among intellectuals, especially
at the University, in colleges and among professional people
in the larger cities, have been gained for the cause of the
Sovité Union, mostly without realizing this fact.

The penetration now has even started in the Church. The
Hierarchy has found out these last weeks that communists were on
the point of organizing, an entire network within the “Church itself.
For each diocese one priest was selected, to replace the Bishop and
organize a French National Church, indepenfiant from Rome, in the
very moment of a future Russian invasion. Until such event would
occur, these communist ecclesiastical agents are not to appear as
such. Their main duty at present is to propagate progressism and
neutralism among the clergy. It is more than likely that the ex¬
Father Boulier, who has been suspended by the Heirarchy for his
open communist attitude, is the head or at least the spirit of this
agent network and that he is its liaison to the Communist Party.

These facts from within the Church are most important to
know as background to the attached report. Until further notice
however, the remarks contained in this introductory note should not
be published. The ecclesiastical Hierarchy is on the point of
detecting the whole conspiracy and a premature publication might


by the Hierarbhy are the official statement of the Paris "Semaine
Religieuse" as mentioned in this report and the wamings of "France
Catholique"; even more so the recent and confidential prohibition
of further admissions of priests into the "Mission de Paris" for
industrial work and certain strict ecclesiastical sanctions taken
against individual priest;whose communist attachemert s have been
found out. The details are not yet to be revealed.
