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XeAel4, August 52.
- page three ¬

along the lines of social recriminations and of peace movements. Thus,
forced into the ranks of communist fighters, Christians would find
themselves in opposition to their superiors and to their governmentse
Even the smallesfsign of dissenssion inside the Church should be
carefully watched and immediately fostered, so as to oppose, as much
as feasible, the hierarchy with the lower clergy and the popular

In June, followigg the arrest of rarty Secretary Jacques
Duclos, the Central Committee of the French Communist Party was
called together for an extraordinary meeting held at Genevillierse

clearly dictated by Moscow and by Moscow=held communist leader Maurice
thorez and contained sharp self-criticism of the French Party leader¬
ship, for having deviated from party lines and having been induced
into oppertunism, sectarianism and tactical errors s.e “Opportunism"
was defined as the slipping into a certain daily routine, with the
ensueing neglect of the central aim that at present has to inspire
every action. That aim is the redirecting of French politics towards
the goal of peace and national independence; it has to be fostered by
the creation of mass movements opposed to the war eee "Sectarianism"
was denounced as the greatest and most consequential error now
preveailing in party leadership and in its propagandae french communist
visualizing too strongly the future aim, which is the fight for
socialism, have a tendency of disregarding the immediate and decisive
goal: the fight for peacee In view of festering this latter aim,
communists should eliminate the tendéncy of working among themselves;
their present tactic should lead to the largest possible peace front
uniting all those slements who do not wish war, opposing them to
American imperialism and to warmongerSe

The main conclusion taught by these recent events is the
following: in several European countries, and specifically in France,
communist tactic énters a new linee Atheism and the "fight for i
socialism" remain the ultimate aim; but, for tactical purposes, they
are hidden beneath the cover of more appealing and seemingly *
Christian goals: social justice and peace. Communists, taking the
initiative in that direction, suggest large, common ximesés fighting
fronts. Their true aim are only temporary alliances which should
Split and sabotage from the inside both the Church and the national
In the light of this fundamental understanding, the acteiida
of errors prevailing among Christians and intellectual in France, that;
is following, will gain a new and most alarming meaning. in

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nf 58.