in the world. But instead, induced by my dis¬
like to study and the advice of bad companions,
I ran away from home ... and one fine day
when I awoke I found myself changed into a
donkey with long ears... and a long tail!...
What a disgrace it was to me!—a disgrace,
dear master, that the blessed St. Anthony
would not inflict even upon you! ‘Taken to
the market to be sold I was bought by the
director of an equestrian company, who took
it into his head to make a famous dancer of
me, and a famous leaper through hoops. but
one night during a performance I had a bad
fall in the circus and lamed both my legs. Then
the director, not knowing what to do with a
lame donkey, sent me to be sold, and you were
the purchaser!.. .”
" Only too true! And I paid twenty pence
for you. And now who will give me back my
poor pennies? "
" And why did you buy me? You bought
me to make a drum of my skin!...adrum!...”
“Only too true! And now where shall I
find another skin? . . .”
" Dont despair, master. ‘There are such a
number of little donkeys in the world! ”
“Tell me, you impertinent rascal, does
your story end here?”
“No,” answered the puppet; “I have