OCR Output


““T am the little donkey!” said Pinocchio,

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" Ah, you young scamp! Do you dare to
make game of me?”

“'To make game of you? Quite the
contrary, my dear master; I am speaking

" But how can you, who, but a short time
ago, were a little donkey, have become a wooden
puppet, only from having been left in the
water? ”

" It must have been the effect of sea-water.
The sea makes extraordinary changes.”

“Beware, puppet, beware! . .. Don't
imagine that you can amuse yourself at my
expense. Woe to you, if I lose patience! .. .”

“Well, master, do you wish to know the
true story? If you will set my leg free I will
tell it you.”

The good man, who was curious to hear the
true story, immediately untied the knot that
kept him bound; and Pinocchio, finding himself
as free as a bird in the air, commenced as

“You must know that I was once a pup¬
pet as I am now, and I was on the point of
becoming a boy like the many that there are