OCR Output


Religious guilds, abolition of, 141 St. Martin " Orgars," 186
Remembrancer, the, 107 “ Outwich," 186
Rennie’s London Bridge, 269 * Pomery,” 186
Rent of Fickett’s Field, 223 St. Martin’s le Grand, 54
Residence of the Lord Mayor, go St. Mary Abchurch, 180
Richard I, roo, 103, 133 Aldermanbury, 180
II, 142, 191 Aldermary, 178, 213, 253
III, 161 Axe, 197
Richard of Gloucester, 115, 116 Bothaw, 179
Richardson the novelist, 237 Colechurch, 180
Rokesley the goldsmith, 153 Mounthaw, 179
Rolls, the, 229 Overy, 65
Rolls house, foundation of, 229 Somerset, 179
Roman Bridge, 265 Staining, 180
fort, 24 Wolnoth, 180
gate of Lincoln, 122 Woolchurch Haw, 179
London, 31, 4°, 93 at Hill, 180
municipality, doubts of, 44 | le Bow, 138, 180
theory of civic affairs disproved, 97 St. Michael “le Querne,” 186
Romeland, 58 | Paternoster Royal, 186
Rowlandson’s Newgate Prison, 126 St. Nicholas “ Acons,” 189
Royal Exchange, the, 158, 257 “Olave,” 189
Mail Steam Packet Company’s offices, 279 | St. Olave’s, Hart Street, 205
“ Running cashes,” keepers of, 154 St. Osyth’s, 185
St. Paul’s, 54, 65, 75, 81
St. ANDREW HUBBARD, 183 compared with Salisbury Cathedral,
Undershaft, 183, 199 s 2II
St. Andrews, 54 St. Paul’s, best views of, 206
St. Antholin’s, Watling Street, 213 St. Peter “le Poor,” 189
St. Bartholomew the Great, 190 St. Peters, Bishopsgate, 276
the Less, 195 Cornhill, 4
St. Benedict, 184 ű St. Saviour’s, Southwark, 265
St. Benet " Sherehog,” 184 St. Sepulchre’s, 195
Paul’s Wharf, 253 St. Stephen’s, Walbrook, 211
St. Bride’s Church, 126, 237 St. Thomas of Canterbury, 66
Street, 233 Safe Deposit Co., 254
St. Christopher le Stocks, 185 Salary of the Lord Mayor, 117
removal of, 169 Salisbury Cathedral and St. Paul’s, comparison
St. Dionis " Backchurch,” 185 of, 211
St. Ethelburga, 197 Salisbury Court, 234, 237
St. Giles’s, 195, 196 Sampson the architect, 166
St. Helen’s, 81, 198 Sandwich, 134
Nunnery, 70 Saxon Chronicle, 108
St. James's Gazette office, 234 Saxons, metropolis of, 32
St. John Zachary, 185 Scandinavian remains, 52
St. Katherine " Coleman,” 185 Scottish Widows’ Fund Office, 257
‘* Cree,” 185, 200, 262 Searle’s Place, 223
St. Margaret Moses, 186 Serjeants’ Inn, 227

Pattens, 186 Shakespeare, 28, 115, 250