OCR Output

a _ sé eee

Mayor and chamberlain, separation of offices of,
as chamberlain, 100, 104
Mercantile importance of London, 35
Mercers’ arcade, 138
company, incorporation of, 142
Metal-workers’ factories, 70
Metropolis of the East Saxons, 32
Middle Temple Hall, 224
Library, 227
Milman (Dean) and St. Paul’s, 7
Milton, John, residence of, 238
tomb of, 196
Minoresses, 262
Modern theories of early London, 27
Monument, erection of the, 273, 274
original design for the, 273
Monument Station, 270
Moorgate Street, 276
Mosaic pavements, 36
Mowlem and Co., 246
Myddleton, Sir Hugh, 81, 82

6 NEWE TROY,” 19

New Inn, 228

New Law Courts, 223

New River, the, 81

New Weir, 133

New Zealand Chambers, 258

Newgate, 39, 59, 62, 118

Newgate Prison, 118, 122
burning of, 125
curious complaints about, 122
when built, 122
wretched state of, 125

Newgate Street, view along, 217

Newport, the, 122

Nicholas "Cole Abbey,” 189

Nore, the, first mention of, 133

Norman architecture, 175, 204
Conquest, 108

Number of vehicles crossing London Bridge,

Nunnery, the wealthiest, 199

OFFICIALS of the Guildhall, go

Old Bailey, 125, 245
City wall, perfect remains of, 196
Fish Street, 61

Old Jewry, 147
‘Old Lady of Threadneedle Street,” 165
Oliver, Isaac, 250
Origin of Billingsgate, 27
of civic offices, 94
Otto, 150

Peninsular and Oriental Company’s offices, 258
Pepys, 81
Pepys’ burial-place, 205
Perpendicular styles of architecture, 175, 246
Peruzzi, the, and Edward III, 157
Peter of Cole Church, 66

the curate and engineer, 266
Petty’s estimate of number of houses in 1682,

Philpot Lane, 70
Pickering’s (Sir William) “ Hearse,” 198
Plague, cause of the, 80, 81
deaths from, 85, 196
Playhouse Yard, 250
Poor Clares, chapel of, 262
| Pope’s agent, the, 154
Population of London, 85, 86
| ** Porta Pontis,” 62
| ‘* Portreeve,” 97
Portreeve, duties of, 98, 99
| Position and title of the Lord Mayor, 111
Poter, Walter le, 70
Poultry, the, 127, 254
Pountney, 75
Price’s History of the Guildhall, 98
London Bankers, 153, 165

Prince of Orange, 116
Privilege granted by Henry I, 117
Progress of commercial enterprise, 149
Punch office, 237

QUEEN ELIZABETH, 80, 107, 148, 158
Queen Victoria Street, 249, 253


Rahere and St. Bartholomew’s, 192, 196

Ralph of Coggeshale and the Jews, 147

Reason for acceptance of early London legends,

Recorder, the first, 104

Regalia in the Tower, maker of, 162