OCR Output

- page fourteen =<

re-opened the whole discussions fhe Party, by that fact, has
become sométhing more thab.a party: a “sommon front of the working
Class"s Christians who have joined, had restaured to communists
what they had lost: their prestige and efficiency ss. (June 2th).
ees The Communist Party, after its recent and repeated failures,
pretends to take a new road, a social solidarity for the defense
of peace and of wages ees this phase of solidarity with the non"
communist workers and with the nseutralist bourgeois is but one

soit stead ea ees F opassen By ihe statin 2S egtséníisk.
Letting oneself be caught at this new corner, moans as much as
coop-rating at the gravest mystification of the proletariatee
(June 27 th)s
Similar warnings come from the rightist group among the coworkers in the
daily "La Croix", from colums in the review "Carrefour" and from
Father Chaillet's “Homme Nouveau". The French section of the Interna~
tional Gommittee for Defense of the Christian Civilization has relentles
lessly worked in the same direction. Under the leadership of its
General Secretary, brofessor raul Lesourd, it has opened in Paris
(3 rue de Vienne) a propaganda and information center, the *omité
d'Etudes et de Diffusion Catholique".

In conclusion and on the basis of absolute evidences, the
present-day Soviet policy in France can be clearly established as
follows: losing the masses, communism gains in the clite. ‘Yonfused as
to the value of issues involved, leading person&lities listen today to
Moscow=dictated directives and work in the frame of Moscow-initiated
frontse Their influence is far reaching ana one day — if the reacting
forces are not sufficiently backed - France will awake to the fact that
it is lead by communists, despite the opposition or the apathy of the
massese Christian and liberal intellectuals are today the main carriers
of a communistic germ, that is preparing the collapse of France, should
Moscow ever gain the suprmmacy of forcese

ume more point should be considered: French intellectuals
always had a great influg ge on the trend of idea} in Latin and Mid¬
bhastern countriese The of Revolutions in the 18th and of
constitutionalism in the k9th century have also started from France
and have used philosophical and politival schools of though in that
country to become the vehicles of world-wide swe ping movementse

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