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The masses are tired of propagandas and of moyes whose aim they do not
grasp. reople are mostly concerned about their work opportunities am
- living conditions, about the prices off food and fuel, about their
wages and vacationSee. Broader class or international "int«rests*
have lost their appeal with the masses: sttike calls by leftist Labor
Unions and neutralist election campakgms have not been followed eee
secing its decreasing influence on public opinion, communist
Party leadership made its great, moscow=dictated self=<criticism, as
mentioned abovee it radically changed its line of propaganda and of
action: not the masses are now to revolutionézed, but the elite has to
be undermined and to be induced, knowingly or unknowingly, into a
common fighting front lead by the communistse French elite is highly
susceptible to great idéas and human enthusiasi. its imagination and
feelings can be caught on two corners: Lither they are highly ide&lis tic
socially=minded and dream of heroic fights for the improvement of
society. In such state of mindg, they easily become victims of a
progressist propaganda that identifies the social problem with the
"misery" of the working class and consequently with the struggle against
capitalism. Once this basis accepted,by the elite, communist leadership
can do the rest eee Or they are more intellectual, philosophical and
international in interest. In that case, the Christian ideal of peace
and the patriotic ideal of national independence and of a mediatory
role that France can play, has greatest appeal fow them. Thus they are
easily caught in a c.mmon front of all peace-loving elements that, -¬
communist in its tendencies and ultimate aims;-soon embraces the most
brilliant names of French thought: Catholic authors and priests,
Protestant ministers, rabbis, liberal philosophers and economists,
well-known artists, lawyers, scientists and teachers. The numerous
quotations taken from "Esprit", are the best proof of what has happened
and of what is happening. Christian principles and ideals h.ve been
distorted to become a vehicle of Moscow policies, clad in a form and
" under arguments, by which a French mind is more than vulnerablé.

This does not mean howeverthat all the French elite is
following the wrong path, There are great @alents and remarkable groups
who understand the danger and react with the depth and brilliance of the
best French spiritual traditions

The Federation FNAC, the powerful nation-wide men!s organizat¢
tion, as we the parallel women’s groups of the Ligue, LFAC, = both ©
counting Hüllion members ~ are the backbone 6f the resistances
The weckly "France Catholique" of the FNAC has never hesitated to show
up the dangers of cOmmunist undermining. Its editor, Jean de Fabregues,
has recently again published two important editorials entitled: “In full
mystification of the proletariate se and of the Christians" (June 20th)
and “Day dreaming" (June 27th), They are an appeal and a warning
directed towagds those who, with the best of intentions, are following a
most erroneous and disastrous roads

«ee Evidences have been received these last days, showing that in
many places of work, the Communist Party has lost influence and is
looked at with suspicion by the workers themselves, But a small,
very small, team of Christian progressists or of fighters fer
peace has now entered the line of communist positions and thus has
