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. are not bad aids in making one’s fortune, took it in his
head to try the adventure. The farmer received him with
his usual good nature, and, the bargain made, sent him to
the field to work. At breakfast-time the other servants
were called, but good care was taken to forget Coranda.
At dinner it was the same. Coranda gave himself no
trouble about it. He went to the house, and while the
farmer’s wife was feeding the chickens unhooked an
enormous ham from the kitchen rafters, took a huge loaf
from the cupboard, and went back to the fields to dine
and take a nap.

" Are you satisfied?" cried the farmer, when he returned
at night.

‘Perfectly satisfied,” said Coranda; "I have dined better
than you have.”

At that instant the farmer’s wife came rushing in, crying
that her ham was gone. Coranda laughed, and the farmer
turned pale.

"Are you not satisfied?" asked Coranda.

"A ham is only a ham,” answered his master. "Such a
trifle does not trouble me." But after that time he took
good care not to leave the student fasting.

Sunday came. The farmer and his wife seated them¬
selves in the wagon to go to church, saying to Coranda,
" It is your business to cook the dinner. Cut up the piece

of meat you see yonder, with onions, carrots, leeks, and