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Bokomian Lal

whom there were at that time twenty-five thousand,
often walked in the direction of Dewitz, and more than
one of them offered to follow the plow in hopes of be¬
coming the son-in-law of the farmer. The first condition
that the cunning peasant set on each new servant was
this: "I engage you,” he would say, “for a year—that
is, till the cuckoo sings the return of spring; but if, from
now till then, you say once that you are not satisfied, I
will cut off the end of your nose. I give you the same
right over me,” he added, laughing. And he did as he
said. Prague was full of students with the ends of their
noses glued on, which did not prevent an ugly scar, and,
still less, bad jokes. To return from the farm disfigured
and ridiculed was well calculated to cool the warmest

A young man by the name of Coranda, somewhat un¬

gainly in manner, but cool, adroit, and cunning, which