Workflow for the correction of UV-induced visible luminescence (UVL) images.
Check that the all images or other information reguired in order to run this workspace is
e Calibrated VIS reflected image (including a Spectralon diffuse reflectance grey scale or
any number of Spectralon diffuse reflectance standards as available) obtained by
processing the corresponding visible-reflected image using the workflow for
correction of visible-reflected images (See above);
e Calibrated UVR image (including a Spectralon diffuse reflectance grey scale or any
number of Spectralon diffuse reflectance standards as available) obtained by
processing the corresponding IRR image using the workflow for correction of IR
and/or UV-reflected images (See above);
e Camera output file — UVL image (including a Spectralon diffuse reflectance grey scale
or any number of Spectralon diffuse reflectance standards as available) converted
from RAW as per instruction in section a;
e ICC profile for conversion from RAW (contained within the TIFF file);
e Image of uniform reflective board under the experimental conditions of visible-induced
infrared luminescence image for flat fielding, if available.
1) Note that the previous workflow for correction of visible-reflected images and the
workflow for correction of IR and/or UV-reflected images must already have been
completed prior to running through this workflow. If this has not been done, return to
sections i and ii, and proceed as directed before continuing.
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| input [inear | markup | viscalb vials | align | specden | falsecolour | uvlstray | uvkm | vilstray | vikm | results +
2 x G- UV-induced visible luminescence 4
2 reflectance )G2| | label | UV-induced visible luminescence
| label | IR reflectance with calibration targets | S| targets label | UV-induced visible luminescence with calibration targets
use, fiatfield | [) Flatfield UV-induced visible luminescence with calibration targets image
Pair_flatfield NULL (label ++ " with calibration targets")
fair. flatfield NULL (label ++ " with calibration targets")
object label | UV-induced visible luminescence of object
use_flatfield | [) Flatfield UV-induced visible luminescence of object image
|'air_flatfield (targets. image) (label ++ " of object") Pair_flatfield (targets. image) (label ++ " of object")
| label | IR reflectance of object
use_flatfield | C Flatfield IR reflectance with calibration targets image
| use_flatfield | (I Flatfield IR reflectance of object image
flatfield S| fiatfield
reflectance" | | Parr. Joad *uv-induced visible luminescence®
; X [VA etic mimo
V reflectance S| He |D| targets label | visible-induced IR luminescence with calibration targets
| label | UV reflectance with calibration targets | S image
| f &
et ee a 5
Figure 3-60
Version No. 1.0 Date : 14/10/2013