OCR Output

Samuel Pennock, Treasurer; William Pritchard,
High Constable, Assessor and Collector ; Thomas
Godkin and Henry Adamson, Constables.

On the 14th of May, 1834,Warren Botsford applied
fora grocer’s license. The request was not granted,
as Mr. Botsford was underage. Robert Fitzsimmons
obtained a grocer’s license June gth, 1834.

In August, of the same year, a raid was made on
the steamboat captains for entering the Port of
Brockville on Sunday, and ringing the bells on the
steamers. All the captains were fined.

In 1835, the Board stood: Ormond Jones and J.
K. Hartwell, East Ward; David Mair and James
Hall, West Ward. Richard F. Steele, Clerk.

BOARD FOR 1836.—George Malloch and Samuel
Reynolds, East Ward ; Samuel Pennock and John
Murphy, West Ward ; Paul Glassford, the fifth mem¬
ber ; George Malloch, President ; William F. Meu¬
dell, Clerk ; Stephen Richards, Street Surveyor; F.
L. Lothrop, Treasurer; John H. Smith, Chief Con¬
stable; John Bogart, Solicitor.

In this year, all the subordinate officers were

On the 30th of May, 1836, George O’Brien, William
Oakey, and others were fined for selling bread with¬
out having the weight of each Joaf stamped upon
the same.

For 1837.—Henry Jones and J. K. Hartwell, East
Ward; R.D. Fraser and William Hayes, West Ward;
Hon. Charles Jones, fifth man and President; R. F.
Steele, Clerk ; Stephen Richards, Street Surveyor ;
E. J. Hubbell, Treasurer.

The Board met at 4 Pp. M., each Monday.

On the roth of April, 1837, William Dack wes
appointed High Constable, Assessor and Collector.

For 1838.—John Bogart and Geo. Sherwood, East
Ward ; Wm. Hayes and Wm. Woods, West Ward ;
David Jones, fifth man and President; R. F. Steele,
Clerk; Thomas Doak, High Constable, Assessor,
and Collector.

For 1839.—John Bogart and George Sherwood,
East Ward: Isaac Beecher and Bradish Kilborn, West
Ward; Ephraim Dunham, fifth man and President ;
R. F. Steele, Clerk ; Andrew Clarke, High Constable
and Assessor ; Thomas D. Campbell, Treasurer.

In this year many persons were fined for riding
on the flagged sidewalk.

For 1840.—The Board assembled on April 6th.
George Malloch and George Sherwood, East Ward ;
Billa Coleman and Benjamin Chaffey, West Ward ;
John Reid, the fifth man; and George Sherwood,

Assessment, two pence on the pound, and one
halfpenny for the representative in Parliament.

For 1841.—Thomas D. Campbell and D. B. O.
Ford, East Ward; Abel Cole and William Woods,
| West Ward ; John Reid, fifth member; and Thomas
D. Campbell, President.

On the 26th of April, 1841, R. F. Steele resigned
| as Clerk, and William Hayes was appointed.

For 1842.—John Weatherhead and Wm. Parkin,
East Ward; George W. Arnold and Adam Anderson,
West Ward: D. B. O. Ford, fifth man and President,

For 1843.—William Parkin and John Taylor, East
Ward ; Billa Coleman and William Harrison, West
Ward; William Buell, fifth man and "President ;

John O Hara, Clerk.
The Council met once a fortnight, at Io P. M.

For 1844.--Harris E. Russell and John McElhinney,
East Ward : Robert Edmondson and Abel Cole, West
Ward; William Buell, fifth man and President; J.
O’Hare, Clerk.

For 1845.—Thomas Webster and Roderick McLean,
East Ward ; David Mairand Abel Cole, West Ward ;
George Crawford, the fifth man ; Thomas Webster,
President ; Worship B. McLean, Clerk.

For 1846.—Ormond Jones and Thomas Hume,
East Ward; David Mair and Abel Cole, West Ward;
George Crawford, fifth man and President ; W. B.

McLean, Clerk.

For 1847.—William B. Richards and James B.
Powell, East Ward ; David Mair and William Fitz¬
simmons, West Ward ; George Crawford, fifth man
and President: W. B. McLean, Clerk ; 5. Kichards,

Street Surveyor.

For 1848.—D. B. O. Ford and Ormond Jones, East
Ward: David Mair and William Fitzsimmons, West
Ward: Robert Peden, fifth member; Ormond Jones,
President; W. B. McLean, Clerk.

For 1849.—The Board assembled on June 3rd.—
William Parkin and John Reid, East Ward ; Robert
Peden and John , West Ward ; John Crawford,
fifth man and President; W. B. McLean, Clerk.

The Act establishing a Police Board was repealed
May 30th, 1849, as also the Acts establishing markets
in the East and West Wards. In the same year, the
general Municipal Act was passed, which provided
that Brockville should consist of the front halves of
the Township lots numbers 10, 11, 12 and 13, and the
west half of No. 9, and east half of No. 14, in the
1st Concession of Elizabethtown, extending to the
waters edge, and also 300 yards beyond, also includ¬
ing the island.

It was divided into three Wards, the Centre, East,
and West. The Centre Ward comprised all that
part of the front half of the west half of Township