OCR Output

The Montreal Telegraph Office corner was then
occupied by Adiel Sherwood. Andrew Smith lived
on Hardings drug store corner. The remainder of
the dwellings on Main Street were owned by Elna¬
than Hubbell, Stephen Richards, James Hall, Anna

Provost, Charles Jones, Abraham Dayton, and Samuel

barns, being twenty-six.

Among the early merchants were Charles Jones,
Ephraim Jones, Pease & Easton, Billa Flint, S. & H.
Jones, Hiram Spafford, who kept a credit and also a
cash store ; Paul Glassford, Moses Maynard & Co.,
Andrew Norton and J. P. Buell, Booth & Buell,
Hodgins, E. Hubbell, Samuel Pennock, Adiel Sher¬
wood, Stephen Richards, William Hayes, Harvey
Billings & Co.

Brockville has been fruitful of distinguished
members of the legal profession, the following
being a partial list: Levius P. Sherwood, — Bolton,
John Bogart, Jonas Jones, Daniel Jones, David
Jones, D. B. Q. Ford, George Malloch, Henry Sher¬
wood, George Sherwood, A N. Buell, William B.
Richards, Stephen Richards, A. N. Richards, R. F.
Steele, William Sherwood, and W. H. Ellerbeck.

Among the first physicians were Dr. Hubbell, Dr.
Gilmour, Dr. Henderson, who resided below the
town : Dr. Stratford, Dr. Edmondson, Dr. McQueen,
and Dr. Reynolds.

When first settled, the site of the town was rugged
and in marked contrast to the present appearance.
From Court House Avenue to Gilmour’s Corner
there was a descent, with a hill at the corner of
Buell Street, which had to be cut down at that
point some six feet, and the debris thrown into the
hollow in front of the Central Block. The boys
went swimming in a pond where S. G. Easton's
grocery now stands. On the site of the Gilmour
store, and crossing the road to the premises of the
late Dr.
hide a load of hay from an observer standing at
the foot of Court House Avenue. The small arch¬
way near Empy’s tin-shop was used asa drive for
all kinds of loads entering the back yard of a tavern
which was kept in the brick building on the corner
of King and Broad Streets. Opposite Ormond
Street, the highway has been raised about five feet.

Edmoncson, was a ravine which would

On the 28th of June, 1832, an Act was passed to
establish a body corporate and politic in fact and
law, by the name of the President and Board of
Police of Brockville. The town was divided into

The Act provided that all

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The East Ward market place was established
February 13th, 1833, by a special Act of Parliament,
The first Board of Police assembled at the Court
House, on the 5th day of April, 1832, the members
elected being Jonas Jones and Henry Sherwood for

for the West Ward. The Board elected Daniel
Jones, the fifth man, making him the first President.
William M. Hynes was appointed Clerk.

The first act recited that a fire engine should be
purchased, the cost not to exceed £125.

George Crawford was appointed Treasurer; John
Reid, Bailiff for the East Ward; David Faichairri
Bailiff for the West Ward ; John Price, Assessor ;
William Hayes, Surveyor of Streets; David Fair¬
bairn, Collector; James Kennedy, High Bailiff;
Philip J. Musson, first Pound-keeper.

Alexander Grant was appointed Captain and
Engineer of the first Fire Company, which was to
consist of forty-eight men, who were to provide, at

On the 2nd of May, 1832, the first licenses were
granted to keep groceries. John Farrell, Alexander
Starr, and Richard Shirlock received the same.

The first case recorded before the Board of Police
was against Seth S. Cornell, charged with riding at
an immoderate pace on the street. Fined 5s. and
costs, May 2nd, 1832. In the same month, Alex.
Starr, George Barnhard, and George Booth, were
also fined for firing guns within the limits.

James Hillis, Erastus Holden, Walter H. Denaut,
Asa W. Graves, and Ormond Jones were brought
before the Board, charged with cantering horses
through the public streets. They were acquitted,
and Constable William Smith dismissed for having
failed to establish the indictment.

The assessment for the year 1832 was two pence
on the pound.

On the 18th of June, 1832, Andrew Donaldson was
appointed a special constable.

In the year 1833, the High Bailiff was allowed a
salary of 425, and 47 17s. 647. for acting as Assessor.

The members of the Board for 1832 were re-elected

in 1833. They appointed Alexander Morris the fifth

A largenumberof special constables were appointed
on the 3rd of April, among the number being James
Kincaid, Luther Houghton, Abel Cole, and Walter
H. Denaut. Albert McLean was made Clerk.

The Board for 1834 consisted of Henry Jones,
George Malloch, John Murphy, and James Hall.
They failing to decide upon a fifth man, Daniel
Jones was elected, and subsequently appointed
President by the Board; Alfred Hall, Clerk, at a

salary of £25; Stephen Richards, Street Surveyor ; "