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shall then be able to give you some more money.
Up to this time I have worked to maintain my
papa: Írom to-day I will work five hours more
that I may also maintain my good mamma.
Good-bye, I shall expect you in two days.”

The Snail, contrary to her usual habits,

began to run like a lizard in a hot August sun.

That evening Pinocchio, instead of going
to bed at ten o'clock, sat up till midnight had
struck; and instead of making eight baskets of
rushes he made sixteen. —

Then he went to bed and fell asleep. And
whilst he slept he thought that he saw the Fairy
smiling and beautiful, who, kissing him, said:

. Well done, Pinocchio! To reward you
for your good heart I will forgive you for all
that is past. Boys who minister tenderly to
their parents, and assist them in their misery
and infirmities, are deserving of great praise
and affection, even if they cannot be cited as
examples of obedience and good behaviour.
try and do better in the future and you will
be happy.”

At this moment his dream ended, and
Pinocchio opened his eyes and awoke.

But imagine his astonishment when upon
awakening he discovered that he was no longer
a wooden puppet, but that he had become in¬
stead a boy, like all other boys. He gave a