OCR Output


* That hut must be inhabited by some one,"
said Pinocchio. " Let us go and knock at the

They went and knocked.

“Who is there?” said a little voice from

“We are a poor father and son without
bread and without a roof,’ answered the

‘Turn the key and the door will open,”
said the same little voice.

Pinocchio turned the key and the door
opened. They went in and looked here, there,
and everywhere, but could see no one.

. "Oh! where is the master of the house?”
said Pinocchio, much surprised.

- Here I am up here!”

The father and son looked immediately up
to the ceiling, and there on a beam they saw
the Talking-cricket.

“ Oh, my dear little Cricket!” said Pinoc¬
chio, bowing politely to him.

‘Ah! now you call me " Your dear little
Cricket.’ But do you remember the time when
you threw the handle of a hammer at me, to
drive me from your house?.. .”

“You are right, Cricket! Drive me away
also... throw the handle of a hammer at me;

but have pity on my poor papa...