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panting for breath . .. he could do no more,
and the shore was still far off.

He swam until he had no breath left; then
he turned his head to Geppetto and said in

broken words:
"Papa 4. help men, iT a dye) ig.
The father and son were on the point of
drowning when they heard a voice like a guitar

out of tune saying:
‘Who is it that is dying?”
“It is I, and my poor father!...
" I know that voice! You are Pinocchio!”
“Precisely: and you$ ” |
" TIT am the Tunny, your prison companion
in the body of the Dog-fish.”
“And how did you manage to escape? ”
" I followed your example. You showed
me the road, and I escaped after you.”
“'Tunny, you have arrived at the right mo¬

ment! I implore you to help us, or we are

“Willingly and with all my heart. You
must, both of you, take hold of my tail and
leave me to guide you. I will take you on shore
in four minutes. "

Geppetto and Pinocchio, as I need not tell
you, accepted the offer at once; but instead of
holding on by his tail they thought it would be