OCR Output


‘The doctor ordered me to wear it because
I have hurt this knee. And you, dear puppet,
why have you got on that cotton cap pulled
down over your nose? ”

" The doctor prescribed it because I have
grazed my foot.”

“Oh, poor Pinocchio! .. .

“Oh, poor Candlewick! . . .”

After these words a long silence followed,
during which the two friends did nothing but
look mockingly at each other.

At last the puppet said in a soft mellifluous
voice to his companion:

“Satisfy my curiosity, my dear Candle¬
wick: have you ever suffered from disease of

the ears?”

““ Never!... And you? ”

“Never! Only since this morning one of
my ears aches.”

‘Mine is also paining me.”

“You also? . . . And which of your ears

hurts you?”

" Both of them. And you?”

‘“ Both of them. Can we have got the same
illness? "

"I fear so."

“Will you do me a kindness, Candlewick? ”

“Willingly! With all my heart.”
“Will you let me see your ears? ”