OCR Output


there is no place inside, I will manage to sit
on the springs.”

And giving a leap he seated himself astride
on the springs.

" And you, my love!...” said the little man,
turning in a flattering manner to Pinocchio,
‘what do you intend to do? Are you coming
with us, or are you going to remain behind?”

“I remain behind,” answered Pinocchio.
“Tam going home. I intend to study and to
earn a good character at school, as all well¬
conducted boys do."

‘Much good may it do you!”

“Pinocchio!” called out Candlewick,
“ listen to me: come with us and we shall have
such fun.”

No, no; no!”

“Come with us, and we shall have such
fun!” cried four other voices from the inside
of the coach.

“Come with us, and we shall have such
fun! "? shouted in chorus a hundred voices from
the inside of the coach.

‘But if I come with you, what will my good
Fairy say?” said the puppet, beginning to yield.

‘ Do not trouble your head with melancholy
thoughts. Consider only that we are going to
a country where we shall be at liberty to run

riot from morning till night.”