OCR Output


All the boys as soon as they saw him fell
in love with him, and vied with each other in

taking places in his coach to be conducted to
the true land of Cocagne, known on the geo¬
graphical map by the seducing name of the
“Land of Boobies.”

The coach was in fact quite full of boys

between eight and twelve years old, heaped
one upon another like herrings in a barrel.

They were uncomfortable, packed close to¬
gether and could hardly breathe: but nobody
said Oh!—nobody grumbled. ‘The consolation
of knowing that in a few hours they would
reach a country where there were no books,
no schools, and no masters, made them so happy
and resigned that they felt neither fatigue nor
inconvenience, neither hunger, nor thirst, nor
want of sleep.

As soon as the coach had drawn up, the little
man turned to Candlewick, and with a thou¬
sand smirks and grimaces said to him, smiling:

- "Tell me, my fine boy, would you also like

to go to that fortunate country? ”

‘‘T certainly wish to go.”

- But I must warn you, my dear child, that
there is not a place left in the coach. You can

see for yourself that it is quite full...”
“No matter," replied Candlewick; “if