“You are wrong, Pinocchio. Believe me,
if you do not come you will repent it. Where
could you find a better country for us boys?
There are no schools there: there are no mas¬
ters: there are no books. In that delightful
land nobody ever studies. On Thursday there
is never school; and every week consists of six
Thursdays and one Sunday. Only think, the
autumn holidays begin on the Ist of January
and finish on the last day of December. That
is the country forme! ‘That is what all civilised
countries should be like! . . .”
‘ But how are the days spent in the ‘ Land
of Boobies *? ”
" They are spent in play and amusement
from morning till night. When night comes
you go to bed, and recommence the same life
in the morning. What do you think of it?”
“Hum! .. .” said Pinocchio; and he shook
his head slightly as much as to say, “ That is
a life that I also would willingly lead.”
“Well, will you go with me? Yes or no?
Resolve quickly.”
" No, no, no, and again no. I promised
my good Fairy to become a well-conducted boy,
and I will keep my word. And as I see that
the sun is setting I must leave you at once and
run away. Good-bye, and a pleasant journey