OCR Output


appearance of an immense lizard standing on
its hind-paws.

When the fisherman had drawn his net out
of the sea, he exclaimed with great satisfaction:

“'Thank Heaven! Again to-day I shall
have a splendid feast of fish!”

“What a mercy that I am not a fish!” said
Pinocchio to himself, regaining a little courage.

The net full of fish was carried into the
cave, which was dark and smoky. In the middle
of the cave a large frying-pan full of oil was
frying, and sending out a smell of mushrooms
that was suffocating.

" Now we will see what fish we have taken! ”
said the green fisherman; and putting into the
net an enormous hand, so out of all proportion
that it looked like a baker’s shovel, he pulled
out a handful of mullet.

" "These mullet are good!” he said, looking
at them and smelling them complacently. And
he then threw them into a pan without water.

He repeated the same operation many
times; and as he drew out the fish, his mouth
watered and he said, chuckling to himself:

- What good whiting!.. .”

“What exquisite sardines!...

- These soles are delicious!...

“* And these crabs excellent!...

What dear little anchovies! . . .”
