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afraid of you. Remember that you are one
against seven of us."

" Seven, like the seven deadly sins,’
Pinocchio with a shout of laughter.

‘Listen to him! He has insulted us all!
He called us the seven deadly sins! . . .”

‘Pinocchio! beg pardon... or it will be
the worse for you! . . ."

“Cuckoo!” sang the puppet, putting his
forefinger to the end of his nose scoffingly.

‘Pinocchio! it will end badly! . . ."



c Cuckoo! ”

“You will get as many blows as a don¬
BEY oye

‘““ Cuckoo! ”

“You will return home with a broken
rose te.)

“ Cuckoo!”
" Ah, you shall have the cuckoo from me!”

said the most courageous of the boys. “ Take
that to begin with, and keep it for your supper

And so saying he gave him a blow on the
head with his fist.

But it was give and take; for the puppet,
as was to be expected, immediately returned
the blow, and the fight in a moment became
general and desperate.

Pinocchio, although he was one alone, de¬