OCR Output


“In making you miss school, and persuad¬
ing you to come with us. Are you not ashamed
of being always so punctual and so diligent
with your lessons? Are you not ashamed of
studying so hard?”

“ And if I study hard what concern is it of
yours! ©

“Tt concerns us excessively, because it
makes us appear in a bad light to the master.”


“Because boys who study make those who,
like us, have no wish to learn seem worse by
eomparison. And that is too bad. We too
have our pride! . . ."

“ "Then what must I do to please you!”

“You must follow our example and hate
school, lessons, and the master—our three
greatest enemies. "

“ And if I wish to continue my studies? "

“Tn that case we will have nothing more to
do with you, and at the first opportunity we
will make you pay for it.”

“Really,” said the puppet, shaking his
head, " you make me inclined to laugh.”

“Eh, Pinocchio!” shouted the biggest of
the boys, confronting him. " None of your
superior airs: don’t come here to crow over us!
, . . for if you are not afraid of us, we are not