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making you lose all love of study, and perhaps
even they may bring upon you some great mis¬

" There is no fear of that!” answered the
puppet, shrugging his shoulders and touching
his forehead as much as to say: “ There is so
much sense here!”

Now it happened that one fine day, as he
was on his way to school, he met several of
his usual companions who, coming up to him,


" Have you heard the great news?”

ml a a

‘In the sea near here a Dog-fish has ap¬
peared as big as a mountain.”

" Not really? Can it be the same Dog-fish
that was there when my poor papa was
drowned? ”

“We are going to the shore to see him.
Will you come with us? ”

" No; I am going to school.”

“What matters school? We can go to
school to-morrow. Whether we have a lesson
more or a lesson less, we shall always remain
the same donkeys.”

“ But what will the master say?”

" The master may say what he likes. He
is paid on purpose to grumble all day.”

" And my mamma?,..”