“ But you cannot grow,” replied the Fairy.
Cs Why? 72
‘Because puppets never grow. They are
born puppets, live puppets, and die puppets.”
“Oh, I am sick of being a puppet!” cried
Pinocchio, giving himself a slap. “It is time
that I became a man.
“And you will became one, if you know
how to deserve it... .”
“ Notreally? What can I do to deserve it?”
“A very easy thing: by learning to be a
good boy.”
" And you think I am not?”
" You are quite the contrary. Good boys
are obedient, and you... .”
" And I never obey.”
“Good boys like to learn and to work, and
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“ And I instead lead an idle vagabond life
the year through."
“Good boys always speak the truth... .”
“ And I always tell lies.”
“Good boys go willingly to school... .”
" And school gives me pain all over my
body. But from to-day I will change my life.”
‘Do you promise me? ”
“I promise you. I will become a good little
boy, and I will be the consolation of my papa.