OCR Output


" Are you not ashamed to beg? Instead
of idling about the roads, go and look for a
little work and learn to earn your bread.”

At last a nice little woman carrying two

cans of water came by.
‘Will you let me drink a little water out

of your can?” asked Pinocchio, who was burn¬
ing with thirst.

“ Drink, my boy, if you wish it!” said the
little woman, setting down the two cans.

Pinocchio drank like a fish, and as he dried
his mouth he mumbled:

" I have quenched my thirst. If I could only
appease my hunger!...”

The good woman hearing these words said:

" If you will help me to carry home these
two cans of water, I will give you a fine piece

of bread.”
Pinocchio looked at the can and answered

neither yes nor no.
" And besides the bread you shall have a
nice dish of cauliflower dressed with oil and

vinegar,” added the good woman.

Pinocchio gave another look at the can.
and answered neither yes nor no.

" And after the cauliflower I will give you
a beautiful bonbon full of syrup.”

The temptation of this last dainty was so