tell you that he is bigger than a five-storied
house, and that his mouth is so enormous and
so deep that a railway train with its smoking
engine could pass very easily down his great
“Mercy upon us!” exclaimed the terrified
puppet; and putting on his clothes with the
greatest haste he said to the Dolphin:
‘Good-bye, Sir fish: excuse the trouble I
have given you, and many thanks for your
He then took the path that had been pointed
out to him and began to walk fast—so fast,
indeed, that he was almost running. And at
the slightest noise he turned to look behind
him, fearing that he might see the terrible Dog¬
fish with a railway train in its mouth following
After a walk of half an hour he reached a
little village called " The village of the Indus¬
trious Bees.” The road was alive with people
running here and there to attend to their busi¬
ness: all were at work, all had something to do.
You could not have found an idler or a vaga¬
bond, not even if you had searched for him with
a lighted lamp.
c Ah!” said that lazy Pinocchio at once,
“TIT see that this village will never suit me! I