OCR Output


are villages in this island where it would be
possible to obtain something to eat, without
running the danger of being eaten? ”

‘ Certainly there are,” replied the Dolphin.
“ Indeed you will find one at a short distance

from here."
" And what road must J take to go there? ”’

“ You must take that path to your left and
follow your nose. You cannot make a mistake.”

“ Will you tell me another thing? You who
swim about the sea all day and all night, have
you by chance met a little boat with my papa
in it?”

"And who is your papa?”

* He is the best papa in the world, whilst it
would be difficult to find a worse son than I

“ During the terrible storm last night,” an¬

swered the Dolphin, “ the little boat must have
gone to the bottom."

" And my papa?”

" He must have been swallowed by the ter¬
rible Dog-fish who for some days past has been
spreading devastation and ruin in our waters."

“Is this Dog-fish very big? ” asked Pinoc¬
chio, who was already beginning to quake with

fear. |
~ Big}... replied the Dolphin. “ That
you may form some idea of his size, I need only