OCR Output


“We are come to take you,” said the big¬
gest rabbit.

" "To take me?... But Ím not yet dead!...”

“No, not yet: but you have only a few
minutes to live, as you have refused the medi¬
cine that would have cured you of the fever.”

“Oh, Fairy, Fairy!” the puppet then be¬
gan to scream, “ give me the tumbler at once
. . . be quick, for pity’s sake, for I will not die—
Oe Dy Wall TOL Ces |i.)

And taking the tumbler in both hands he
emptied it at a draught.

" We must have patience!” said the rab¬
bits; " this time we have made our journey in
vain.” And taking the little bier again on their
shoulders they left the room, grumbling and
murmuring between their teeth.

In fact, a few minutes afterwards Pinocchio
jumped down from the bed quite well: because
you must know that wooden puppets have the
privilege of being seldom ill and of being cured
very quickly.

The Fairy, seeing him running and rushing
about the room as gay and as lively as a young
cock, said to him:

" Then my medicine has really done you

‘Good, I should think so! It has restored
me To Te) (sie