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interesting moment, that is, Just as he was
stretching out his hand to pick handfuls of
those beautiful gold pieces and to put them in
his pocket, he was suddenly wakened by three
violent blows on the door of his room.

It was the host who had come to tell him
that midnight had struck.

“Are my companions ready?” asked the

" Ready! Why, they left two hours ago.”

“Why were they in such a hurry? ”

" Because the Cat had received a message
to say that her eldest kitten was ill with chil¬
blains on his feet, and was in danger of death.”

" Did they pay for the supper? ”

“What are you thinking of? They are
much too well educated to dream of offering
such an insult to a gentleman like you."

“What a pity! It is an insult that would
have given me so much pleasure!” said Pinoc¬
chio, scratching his head. He then asked:

" And where did my good friends say they
would wait for me?”

“At the Field of muracles, to-morrow
morning at daybreak.”

Pinocchio paid a sovereign for his supper
and that of his companions, and then left.

Outside the inn it was so pitch dark that he
had almost to grope his way, for it was im¬