OCR Output


‘No, I will not go. I am already close to
the house, and I will return home to my papa
who is waiting forme. Who can tell how often
the poor old man must have sighed yesterday
when I did not come back! I have indeed been
a bad son, and the Talking-cricket was right
when he said: " Disobedient boys never come
to any good in the world.’ I have found it to
my cost, for many misfortunes have happened
tome. Even yesterday in Fire-eater's house Í
ran the risk... . Oh! it makes me shudder only
to think of it!”

‘Well, then,” said the Fox, “ you are quite
decided to go home? Go, then, and so much
the worse for you.”

" So much the worse for you! ” repeated the

“Think well of it, Pinocchio, for you are
giving a kick to fortune.”

“To fortune!” repeated the Cat.

" Between to-day and to-morrow your five
sovereigns would have become two thousand.”

"Two thousand!” repeated the Cat.

“ But how is it possible that they could have
become so many? ” asked Pinocchio, remaining
with his mouth open from astonishment.

" T will explain it to you at once,” said the
Fox. " You must know that in the land of the
Owls there is a sacred field called by everybody