OCR Output


‘Pinocchio, don’t listen to the advice of
bad companions: if you do you will repent

Poor Blackbird! If only he had not spoken!
The Cat, with a great leap, sprang upon him,
and without even giving him time to say Oh!
ate him in a mouthful, feathers and all.

Having eaten him and cleaned her mouth
she shut her eyes again and feigned blindness
as before.

" Poor Blackbird!” said Pinocchio to the
Cat, “ why did you treat him so badly?”

" I did it to give him a lesson. He will
learn another time not to meddle in other
people’s conversation.”

They had gone almost half-way when the
Fox, halting suddenly, said to the puppet:

-" Would you like to double your money? ”

" In what way?”

“Would you like to make out of your five
miserable sovereigns, a hundred, a thousand,
two thousand? "

" I should think so! but in what way?”

“The way is easy enough. Instead of re¬
turning home you must go with us.”

“And where do you wish to take me?”

“To the land of the Owls.”

Pinocchio reflected a moment, and then he

said resolutely: