OCR Output


I am determined that my mutton shall be well

" In that case,” cried Pinocchio proudly,
rising and throwing away his cap of bread
crumb—“ in that case I know my duty. Come
on, gendarmes! Bind me and throw me
amongst the flames. It is not just that poor
Harlequin, my friend, should die for me! . . ."

These words, pronounced in a loud heroic
voice, made all the puppets who were present
cry. Even the gendarmes, although they were
made of wood, wept like two newly-born lambs.

Fire-eater at first remained as hard and
unmoved as ice, but little by little he began to
melt and to sneeze. And having sneezed four
or five times, he opened his arms affectionately,
and said to Pinocchio:

" You are a good, brave boy! Come here
and give me a kiss.”

Pinocchio ran at once, and climbing like a
squirrel up the showman’s beard he deposited
a hearty kiss on the point of his nose.

" "Then the pardon is granted?” asked poor
Harlequin in a faint voice that was scarcely

" "The pardon is granted!” answered Fire¬

eater; he then added, sighing and shaking his