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Geppetto, although he put on a severe face,
had his eyes full of tears and his heart big with
sorrow at seeing his poor Pinocchio in such a
pitiable state. He did not say another word,
but taking his tools and two small pieces of
well-seasoned wood he set to work with great

In less than an hour the feet were finished:
two little feet—swift, well-knit, and nervous.
They might have been modelled by an artist
of genius.

Geppetto then said to the puppet:

‘“‘ Shut your eyes and go to sleep!”

And Pinocchio shut his eyes and pretended
to be asleep.

And whilst he pretended to sleep, Gep¬
petto, with a little glue which he had melted
in an egg-shell, fastened his feet in their place,
and it was so well done that not even a trace
could be seen of where they were joined.

No sooner had the puppet discovered that
he had feet than he jumped down from the
table on which he was lying, and began to
spring and to cut a thousand capers about the
room, as if he had gone mad with delight.

“To reward you for what you have done
for me,” said ‘Pinocchio to his father, “ I will

go to school at once,"
“* Good boy.”