OCR Output


“My legs. But to say the truth, Master
Antonio, I am come to ask a favour of you.”

" Here I am, ready to serve you,” replied
the carpenter, getting on to his knees.

“This morning an idea came into my head.”

St Us near It.”

“I thought I would make a beautiful
wooden puppet: but a wonderful puppet that
should know how to dance, to fence, and to leap
like an acrobat. With this puppet I would
travel about the world to earn a piece of bread
and a glass of wine. What do you think of it? ”

" Bravo, Polendina!” exclaimed the same
little voice, and it was impossible to say where
it came from.

Hearing himself called Polendina, Gep¬
petto became as red as a turkey-cock from rage,
and turning to the carpenter he said in a fury:

‘Why do you insult me?”

“Who insults you? ”

" You called me Polendina!.. .”

It was not I!”

“Would you have it, then, that it was I?
It was you, I say!”

cé No! 39

" Yes!"

cc No! ++


And becoming more and more angry, from