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At this point all the passenger trains of the great Michigan Central Railroad stop long
enough to give their patrons a glimpse of one of the grandest and most sublime views at
Niagara. This point of view is virtually a Michigan Central creation, and from it you can look
far up the river before it plunges over precipice, and you have also before you every part of the
falls, as well as a magnificent view of the gorge.


Returning to the American side by way of the railway suspension bridge, you will get a
good view of the railway suspension bridge and also of the great cantilever bridge. The railway
suspension bridge was commenced in 1852 and finished in 1855. At first its construction was of
wood, but it has been re-built and is now made of steel throughout. The carriage-way is 28
feet below the tracks. Foot and carriage passengers pay 10 cents toll each. The span from
tower to tower is 825 feet. The track is 258 feet above the water. The weight of the super¬
structure is Soo tons. The diameter of each cable is 104 inches.


The Cantilever Bridge is 300 feet up stream from the last mentioned structure. It was
commenced April 15th, 1883, and finished December Ist, 1853. The total length of the bridge
proper is gio feet, which is divided into two cantilever arms, one of which is 375 feet in length,
the other 395 feet. These cantilevers are supported on steel towers arising from the water’s
edge 130 feet high, and the total weight supposed to rest on these columns is 1,600 tons. A
fixed span, 125 feet in length, connects the two cantilever arms in the center, making the span
across the river from tower to tower about 500 feet. The shore ends of the cantilevers are held
firm by immense stone abutments. The height of the bridge above the river is 245 feet. The
structure is made of the best of steel throughout and is double tracked.


While crossing the railway suspension bridge you will obtain a magnificent view of the
whirlpool rapids, with the great whirlpool in the distance. From the dizzy height of the bridge
it may be hard to realize that the white capped waters dash 40 to 50 feet high as they tumble
and crush their way through this narrowest portion of the gorge, but such is the fact. The

river is a grand one and never to be forgotten. Three eleyators afford facilities for reaching
the water’s edge on the American side.