turn and pass out the door to your left and walk along the path toward the foot of the fall.
From this point you will get a magnificent view of the falling water and its mighty force as it
strikes the rocks. Now go and board the staunch and pretty little steamer ‘‘ Maid of the
Mist , at its dock, which is in plain sight. The charge is 50 cents for each passenger, and the
tickets will allow you to land on the Canadian side and return on any trip of the boat the
same day. The view of both falls to be had from the steamer’s deck during her trip is one of
the finest obtainable at Niagara. Passing in front of both sheets of water you invade the realms
of fairyland and all about are beautiful rainbows. Do not leave the steamer until it reaches the
dock from which you started. Then ascend the incline, take your carriage and order the driver
to Goat Island.
While crossing the first bridge your attention will be attracted by the beauty of the scene.
The water as it apparently "comes from the clouds" far up stream and dashes over the many
ledges is most fascinating. The little islands to your left are called Brig Island and Ship Island;
to your right are Chapin Island, Robinson Island, Blackbird Island and Crow Island; also
Avery’s Rock, the latter so named after a man who landed on it on July 18th, 1853, and to
rescue whom ineffectual efforts were made. On our way to Goat Island is the office of the
Reservation Commissioners.
After crossing the second small bridge you are on Goat Island—a veritable temple of
nature. There are about So acres in this and adjacent islands. It owes its name to the fact
that, in 1779, John Stedman placed several goats on the island and neglected to care for them.
The driver wili follow the road to the right, and after a short ride through a beautiful piece
of natural forest you will reach the stairway that leads to Luna Island. Stop a moment at its
head and enjoy the beautiful view down the gorge. It is indeed a graceful sheet of water that
you cross in passing from Goat Island to Iuna Island. The fall between the two islands is
called Centre Fall by some. On moonlight nights, the Lunar bow is best seen from this island
and it is from this that it derives its name.
The next stopping place is the Cave of the Winds. The stairs leading to the slope below
are free. But to enter the cave it is necessary that you secure the services of a guide and the
protection of waterproof clothing. For this the charge is $1.00 for each person, and the trip is
well worth the price. The guide leads you along safe walks and bridges into the midst of heavy