OCR Output


couldnt sell it for a great deal in the

“ When could I see him?" asked Noah

“To-morrow morning,” replied the

6 Where?"

6 Here."

“Um!” said Noah.

“Live like a
lodging, pipes an
all you earn, and half of all the young
woman earns,’”’ replied Mr. Fagin.

Whether Noah Claypole, whose rapa¬
city was none of the least comprehensive,
would have acceded even to these glow¬
. Ing terms had he been a perfectly free
agent, is very doubtful; but as he recol¬
lected that, in the event of his refusal, it
was in the power of his new acquaintance
to give him up to justice immediately,
(and more unlikely things had come to
pass,) he gradually relented, and said he
thought that would suit him.

“But, yer see," observed Noah, “as
she will be able todo a good deal, I should
like to take something very light.”

A little fancy-work?’ suggested Fa¬

9 A! something of that sort,” replied
Noah. ‘“ What do you think would suit
me now? Something not too trying for
the strength, and not very dangerous, you
know ; that’s the sort of thing !”

s I heard you talk of something in the
spy way upon the others, my dear,” said
the Jew. " My friend wants somebody
who would do that well very much.”

c Why, I did mention that, and I
shouldn’t mind turning my hand to it
sometimes,” rejoined Mr. Claypole slow¬
ly; ** but it wouldn’t pay by itself, you

c That’s true !? observed the Jew, ru¬
minating, or pretending to ruminate.
6 No, it might not.”

“ What do you think, then?" asked
Noah, anxiously regarding him. “ Some¬
thing in the sneaking way, where it was
pretty sure work, and not much more
risk than being at home.”’

6 What do you think of the old ladies ?”
asked the Jew. " There’s a good deal
of money made in snatching their bags
and parcels, and running round the cor¬

* Don’t they holler out a good deal, and
scratch sometimes?” asked Noah, shak¬
ing his head. ‘I don’t think that would
answer my purpose. Ain’t there any other
line open ?” ad

c What’s the

Cae erar shea and

6 Stop,” said the Jew, laying his hand
on Noah’s knee. “ The kinchin lay.”

c What’s that?” demanded Mr. Clay¬

“The kinchins, my dear,” said the
Jew, “is the young children that’s sent
on errands by their mothers, with six¬
pences and shillings, and the lay is just
to take their money away—they ’ve al¬
ways got it ready in their hands,—and
then knock ’em into the kennel, and walk
off very slow, as if there was nothing else
the matter but a child fallen down and
hurt itself. Ha! ha! ha!”

s Ha! ha!” roared Mr. Claypole, kick¬
ing up his legs in an ecstasy. ‘ Lor,
that ’s the very thing !”

c To be sure it is,” replied Fagin ;
“and you can have a few good beats
chalked out in Camden-Town, and Battle¬
Bridge and neighbourhoods like that,
where they ’re always going errands, and
upset as many kinchins as you want any
hour in the day. Ha! ha! ha!” With
this Fagin poked Mr. Claypole in the side,
and they joined in a burst of laughter
both long and loud.

6 Well, that’s all right!” said Noah
when he had recovered himself, and Char¬
lotte had returned. ‘ What time to¬
morrow shall we say ?"

c Will tendo?” asked the Jew, adding,
as Mr. Claypole nodded assent, " What
name shall I tell my good friend ?”’

“ Mr. Bolter,” replied Noah, who had
prepared himself for such an emergency.
‘¢ Mr. Morris Bolter. This is Mrs. Bolter.”

c Mrs. Bolter’s humble servant,”’ said
Fagin, bowing with grotesque politeness.
“T hope I shall know her better very

“Do you hear the gentleman, Char¬
lotte? thundered Mr. Claypole.

Yes, Noah, dear!" replied Mrs. Bolter,
extending her hand.

sc She calls me Noah, as a sort of fond
way of talking," said Mr. Morris Bolter,
late Claypole, turning tothe Jew. “ You
understand ?"

“Oh, yes, I understand,—perfectly,”
replied Fagin, telling the truth for once.
“ Good night! good night !"

With many adieus and good wishes,
Mr. Fagin went his way ; and Noah Clay¬
pole, bespeaking his good lady’s attention,
proceeded to enlighten her relative to the
arrangement he had made, with all that
haughtiness and air of superiority becom¬
ing not only a member of the sterner sex,
but a gentleman who appreciates the dig
nity of a special appointment on the kin
chin lay in London and its vieanity.