OCR Output


There were assembleu iv that lower
house of the domestic
women servants, Mr. Brittles, Mr. Giles,
the tinker, (who had received a special
invitation to regale himself for the re¬
mainder of the day in consideration of
his services, and the constable. The
latter gentleman had a large staff, a
large head, large features, and large
half-boots, and looked as if he had been
taking a proportionate allowance of ale,
as indeed he had.

The adventures of the previous night
were still under discussion, for Mr. Giles
was expatiating upon his presence of
mind when the doctor entered; and Mr.
Brittles, with a mug of ale in his hand,
was corroborating every thing before his
superior said it.

cc Sit still,” said the doctor, waving his

s "Thank you, sir,” said Mr. Giles.
cc Misses wishes some ale to be given out,
sir, and as I felt noways inclined for my
own little room, sir, and disposed for
company, | am taking mine among "em

Brittles headed a low murmur by
which the ladies and gentlemen gene¬
rally, were understood to express the
gratification they derived from Mr. Giles’s
condescension; and Mr. Giles looked
round with a patronising air, as much as
to say, that so long as they behaved pro¬
perly, he would never desert them.

“How is the patient to-night, sir?"
asked Giles.

sc So-so ;”’ returned the doctor. “Iam
afraid you have got yourself into a scrape
there, Mr. Giles.

“] hope you don’t mean to say, sir,”
said Mr. Giles, trembling, “that he’s
going to die. If I thought it, I should
never be happy again. I would n’t cut a
boy off, no, not even Brittles here, not for
all the plate in the country, sir.”

“'That’s not the point,” said the doc¬

Protestant ?"

“Yes, sir, I hope so;” faltered Mr.
Giles, who had turned very pale.

“And what are you, boy?” said the
doctor, turning sharply upon Brittles.

*“ Lord bless me, sir!” replied Brittles,
starting violently; “I’m the same as
Mr. Giles, sir.”

6 "Then tell me this,” said the doctor
fiercely, “ both of you—both of you: are
you going to take upon yourselves to
swear that that boy up stairs is the boy
that was put through the little window

The doctor, who was universally con¬
red crea¬
tures on earth, made this demand in su
a dreadful tone of anger, that Giles
Brittles, who were considerably muddled
by ale and excitement, stared -at each .
other in a state of stupefaction. ;

“ Pay attention to the reply, constable,
will you,” said the doctor, shaking his
forefinger with great solemnity of man¬
ner, and tapping the bridge of his nose
with it, to bespeak the exercise of that
worthy’s utmost acuteness. " Something
may come of this before long.”

The constable looked as wise as he
could, and took up his staff of office
which had been reclining indolently in
the chimney-corner. ude

“Tt’s a simple question of identity,
you will observe,” said the doctor.

“That "s what it is, sir," replied the
constable, coughing with great violence ;
for he had finished his ale in a hurry, and

c Here’s a house broken into,” said
the doctor, “and a couple of men catch
one moment’s glimpse of a boy in the
midst of gunpowder smoke, and in all the
distraction of alarm and darkness. Here’s
a boy comes to that very same house
next morning, and because he happens to .
have his arm tied up, those men lay vio¬
lent hands upon him—by doing which,
they place his life in great danger—and
swear he is the thief. Now, the question
is, whether those men are justified by the
fact, and if not, what situation do they
place themselves in?”

The constable nodded profoundly, and
said that if that was n’t law, he should be
glad to know what was.

“Task you again,” thundered the doc¬
tor, “are you on your solemn oaths able

Brittles looked doubtfully at Mr. Giles,
Mr. Giles looked doubtfully at Brittles ;
the constable put his hand behind his ear
to catch the reply; the two women and
the tinker leant forward to listen; and
the doctor glanced keenly round, when a
ring was heard at the gate, and at the
same moment the sound of wheels.

“Tt’s the runners!” cried Brittles, to
all appearance much relieved.

‘The what!” exclaimed the doctor,
aghast in his turn. |

c "The Bow-street officers, sir,” replied
Brittles, taking up a candle, " me and
Mr. Giles sent for ’em this morning.”

c What !” cried the doctor.

“ Yes,” replied Brittles, “I sent a mes¬

prepared for you.


wonder they were n’t here before, sir.”