Cím: Mother Gooses nursery rhymes : a collection of alphabets, rhymes, tales, and jingles
Létrehozó: Crane, Walter, 1845-1915 | Gilbert, John, Sir, 1817-1897 | McConnell, William, 1833-1867 | Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914 | Weir,
Harrison, 1824-1906 | Zwecker, Johann Baptist, 1814-1874
Leírás: Osborne Coll.
Targy: Children's songs
Kiadó: London : George Routledge and Sons, the Broadway, Ludgate ; New York
Közreműködő: University of California Libraries
Date: 01.01.1877
Azonosító: mothergoosesnursOOcraniala
Title: Mother Goose's nursery rhymes : a collection of alphabets, rhymes, tales, and jingles