OCR Output


Page Page
The Old Woman must stand at Thomasa Tattamus took two T’s... 172
the Tub, Tub, Tub . 229 | Three Children sliding on the
The Queen of Hearts (5. 210 Ice ae om vese cee
There was a Crooked Man . 169 | Three Straws on a Staff . 3 209
There was a Fat Man of Bom- Three Wise Men of Gotham ae
bay kN a . 233 | TO make your Candles last for
There was a Jolly Miller .. 56 aye oo 444
There was a little Man and he To Market, to Market, a gallop,
had alittle Gun... . . .. 209 atrot .... + 288
There was a Monkey dimbed 19 To Market, to Market, to ) buy a
a Tree a: öss 82 Fat Pig ee A 52
There was an Old Crow. ... 223 | Tommy kept a Chandler's Shop.. 1. 258
There was an Old Man of Tobago 262 | Tom Thumb’s Alphabet .. ve ED
There was an Old Woman, and Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son Music) 130
what do you think? ... 319 | Twinkle, twinkle, little Star . 284
There was an Old Woman as Two Legs sat upon Three Legs... 206
I’ve heard tell ... a szt ÉRA
There wasan Old Woman called Up Hill and down Dale ... ip eae
Nothing-at-all ... 1 ... 220 | Up Hill, spare me - 307
There was an Old Woman lived :
undera Hill" ... ... 139 | Valentine, oh, Valentine ... , 311
There was an Old Woman
tossed up in a Basket ... ... ISI | Walrus (The) and the Carpenter... 42
There was an Old Woman who We are all inthe Dumps... . 139
lived in a Shoe ... , ... 218 | We'll go a-shooting ... 310
There was an Owl lived in an What’s the News of the Day? 5.823
Oak Ke oe ... 50 | When I was a Bachelor, I lived
There was a Rat, for want of by myself B; ... 182
Stairs i oat ... 188 | When Little Fred west bo Bed 2. 308
There were Three Crows sat on When the Wind is in the East ... 214
a Stone ... ... 211 | Where are you going to, my
The Robin Redbreasts sient atte SZÉT pretty Maid? ... 62
The Rose is ant the Violet’s Who Stole the Bird’s Nest ? bx? 183
Blue ve ve © «ee 310 | Willy Boy, Willy Boy, where are
The Turtle Dove’s N est , att you going ? . 118
The Waves on the Béseböte 83
The Wonderful Derby Ram . 302 | Young Lambs to sell, Young
The Young Linnets Sp sas igo Lambs tosell ... we oe 42
This is the way the Ladies go ... 261 | You shall have an Apple... . 294