OCR Output

Page Page
Marriage of Cock Robin and Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, where
Jenny Wren ous 04 have you been ?... ... soo 195
Mary had a pretty ád .. 122 | Pussy sits beside the Fire . 168
Mary, Mary, quite titvary mae Tv
Molly, my Sister, and I fell out... 59 | Queen Anne, Queen Anne, she
Mr. Isbister and Betsy his Sister... 311 sits in the Sun ... 4% . 180
Multiplication is Vexation na ee
My Lady Wind, my Lady Wind... 303 Rain, Rain, go away w«2 309
My little Old Man and I fell out... 283 Rain, Rain, go to Spain ... ... 307
Ride a Cock-Horse REA
Needles and Pins, Needles and Robin and Richard were two
Pins 463 Sas . 300 pretty Men . 183
Nievie, Nievie, Nicknack 306
Nursery Rhyme Alphabet .. 226 | See a Pin and pick it up... vee 259
See-saw, Margery Daw ... RS
Oh, Mother, I’m to be Married See, see, what shall I see? . 195
to Mr. Punchinello _... ... 306 | Simple Simon (Music) . ae
Oh, the Rusty, sa ade Rusty Sing a Song of Sixpence ( Music) 234
Miller... . 168 | Snail, Snail, come out of your
Old Father Grey aa vas 140 Hole ús . I4I
Old King Cole... . 154 | Snail, Snail, come put out your
Old Mother Goose 9 Horn . 189
Old Mother Hubbard _... ... 64. Solomon Grundy es 59
Old Mother Widdle-Waddle_ ... 206 | Some little Mice sat in a Barn ... 320
Old Woman, Old Woman, shall Swan, Swan, over the Sea , 228
we go a-Shearing? sas 298
One misty, moisty Morning ... 228 | Taffy was a Welshman ... ász 2a
One, Two, buckle my Shoe ... I91 | The Barber shaved the Mason... 63
One, Two, Three ... ... 219 | The Cat sat asleep by the side
One, Two, Three, Four, Five ... 261 of the Fire bay "a 204
The Cock doth Crow ... kés: Fe
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Baker’s The Cuckoo ss a bonny Bird ... 298
Man e 299 | The Fox and the Farmer .. 186
Pease Pudding Hot ... 185 | The great Brown Owl ... ow SES
Peter White will ne’er go right ... 217 | The House that Jack built .. 196
Pit, pat, well-a-day! 149 | The King of France went up the
Pitty Patty Polt 61 Hill ei . 119
Please to remember the Fifth of The Lion and the Uiiticom were
November > 260 fighting for the Crown... ae pe
Poor Dog Bright ... . 296 | The Man in the Moon ... ome 240
Poor old Robinson Crusoe 240 | The North Wind doth blow __... 241
Pussy Cat ate the Dumplings 299 | The Old Woman and her Pig ,.. 242