an 2, né = sa =
ee eed a ee ee ee; ¬
Hart, WILLIAM, 27 Clement’s Lane, Lombard
Street, E.C.
Hart, WILLIAM JACKSON, 14 Clifford’s Inn, E.C.
HARTLEY, Captain, Bournemouth.
HARTMANN, WILLIAM, Tangley Mere, Chilworth,
HARTSHORNE, Miss EMILY Sopuia, Iver, Uxbridge.
HARTSHORNE, Miss CATHERINE M., Iver, Uxbridge.
HARVEY, Miss, Langley Park, Slough.
HARVEY, ANDREW, 16 Mark Lane, E.C.
Padstow, Cornwall.
Harvey, Rev. C. Wican, Throcking Rectory,
Harvey, T. MORGAN, 1 Gresham Buildings,
Basinghall Street, E.C.
Harwoop, J., 34 Gateley Road, S.W.
HASELDINE, GEORGE F., Wansford, Northampton¬
HASELWOOD, ROPT., Hemingford House, Bracon¬
dale, Norwich.
HAsLAM, A. SEALE, Mayor of Derby, North Lees,
Derby. ee a
HASLAM, W. H. , Seeretary’s 01 fice, G.E. R., Liver¬
pool Street; E.C. 9
HASSALL, THOMAS, Ducie Street, recat
chester. is
Hastincs, H. M., 54 Edith Road, West Kensing¬
ton, W.
HATFEILD, Captain C. T., Hartsdown, Isle of
Thanet. as
HAUSER, EUGEN, Calcutta, —
HAUSER, RUDOLPH, 9 Goldsmith Street, E.C.
Hawes, A. J., 86 Leadenhall Street, E.C.
Hawes, R. H., 89 Oxford Terrace, W.
Hawkins, E. C., The Vicarage, St. Bride’s, Fleet
Street, E.C.
Hawkins, H. CHARLTON, 6 Stone Buildings,
Lincoln’s Inn, W.C.
HAWKINS, THOMAS, Bridge House, Newbury.
HawksLey, Mrs. BOURCHIER F., 6 Percy Vilas,
Campden Hill, W.
HAWKSLEY, CHARLES, 357 Oxford Street, W. ‘4 1
HAWKSLEY, KENNETH P., 22 Queensborough :§
Terrace, Bayswater, W. “a
HAWKSLEY, Miss LILIAN, 22 Queensboroqgiag X új
Terrace, Bayswater, W.
HAWLING, W. H., 36 Holland Road, Highfields,
HAWORTH, FREDERICK, 80 Cornwall Gardens, S.W.
HAWTHORN, A. M., 8 Lavender Gardens, Claphanill
Common, S.W. a
HAWTHORN, J. K., 3 Savage Gardens, Tower Hill, —
E.C. 4
HAWTHORN, WILLIAM, Hook, Kingston-on-Thames, É |
Hay, Avex. S., 21 Fitzjohn’s Avenue, N.W.
Hay, R. A. and J., 23 George Street, Perth, N.B.
Haycrart, W. S., 3 Great Winchester Street,
Hayes, WILLIAM, Rolls House, Rolls Yard,
Chancery Lane, W.C.
HayMan, R. W., 31 Stodman Street, Newark.
Hays, WILLIAM, , Nevern Square, S.W.
HaAYsoM, cn 09 Fenchurch Street, E.C.
HAYWARD, JOHN WILLIAM, Badby, Northampton-— b
HEADLAM, STEWART D., 31 Upper Bedford Place, 4
HEATH, ALFRED, Calne, Wilts.
LATH, JAMES, 1 Pinner’s Hall, Great Winchester . |
. Street, E.C.
Az ROBERT, St. Johns Lodge, 386 Clapham —
jan Road, S. W. :
HEATHCOTE, Rev. S. S., Exford, ‘Taunton.
HEAZELL, HENRY, 66 London Road, Liverpool.
Hecut, Max, 21 Mincing Lane, E.C.
HECKFORD, GEORGE, Bedford Hotel, Brighton, |
HEDDERWICK, R. H., 23 Chepstow Villas, Bays- _
water, W, 4
HEDGELAND, Prebendary, Penzance.
Hep ey, J. T., Rainham, Beckenham, Kent.
HEGINBOTHAM, JAMES, Manchester and County .
Bank, Limited, Stockport. |
Heim, CARL, 22 Great St. Helen’s, E.C.
HELLMERS, ROBERT, 42 Great Tower Street, E.C.