OCR Output

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GARDINER, Henry Jonn, Hurstmead, Eltham,

GARDINER, Colonel THomas G., Fitzalan House,
Arundel Street, Strand, W.C.

GARDINER, W. J., The Avenue, Worcester Park,

GARDINER, W. W., Hillside School, Hillside Road,
Tulse Hill.

GARDINER and Co., Wisbech.
GARDNER, GEORGE, Fellside, Snaresbrook.

GARDNER, JAMES, Salisbury Villa, Ellison Road,
Streatham Common, S.W.

GARDNER, THOMAS, Hornchurch, Essex.

GARDNER, W. H., 36 Leadenhall Street, E.C.

GARDNER, WILLIAM JOHN, 7 Bartholomew Place,

GARDNER-WooLLoTon, A. W., 88 Borough High
Street, S.E.

GARLAND, N. H., 3 College Terrace, Brighton.

GARLICK, THOMAS, Ripley Lodge, Glover's Road,
Reigate, Surrey.

GARLING, GEORGE, 45 Paulet Road, Camberwell,
S. E.

GARNER, GEORGE J., 14 Chadwell Street, E.C.

s.s. GARONNE,” Orient Line Royal Mail Steamer ;

Messrs. Anderson, Anderson, and Co.,
5 Fenchurch Avenue, E.C.

GARRARD, W., 117 Bishopsgate Street Within,

GaRRATT, J. E., and Co., 48 Southampton Row,
Bloomsbury, W.C.

GARRATT, THOMAS, 112 Percy Road, Shepherd s
Bush, W.


GARSTANG, T. W. H., Headingley House, Knuts¬
ford, Cheshire.

GarsTIN, Miss HELEN J., Lothian Bank, near
Dalkeith, Midlothian.

GARSTIN, W. E., 24 Marlborough Road, N.W.

GASTRELL, WILLIAM HENRY, 27 Redcliffe Gardens,
South Kensington.

Gates, HARRY JAMES, 181 Queen Victoria Street,

GAVILLER, AUGUSTINE, 34 Great ‘Tower Street, E.C.

Gavin, ADAM, Albion Hill, Loughton, Essex.

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GAYTHORPE, HARPER, Barrow-in-Furness, §
GAYWOOD, GEORGE, 18 Wilson Road, Camberwell,
S. E.
GAZE, Miss, Homelea, Queen’s Road, Erith.
GEALE, WILLIAM A., 7 Upper Grange Road
S. E. §
GEARE, WILLIAM A., 4 Daleham Gardens, Belsize, —

GEBHARDT, H., Dashwood House, New Broad
Street, E.C. |

GEE, WILLIAM, 19 Coleman Street, E.C.
GEISELBRECHT, J. C., 8 Leadenhall Street, E.C.

GENT, Rev. GEORGE W., The Principal’s Lodge, —
St. Mark’s College, Chelsea, S. W.



Stoke Newington, N

GEORGE, J. W., Strathearn, Willoughby Roun
Hannpeten’ N.W.

GEORGE, WILLIAM, St. Wulfstan’s, Durdham Park,
Redland, Bristol.

GERAHTY, CECIL ECHLIN, Wolsey’s Coupes 7
Hampton Wick, Middlesex. 7

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GERICH, FRED. E., 7 Mincing Lane, E.C. q

s,s. GERMAN,” Union Line, Cape of Good Hope, — q
Natal, and East African Royal Mail —
Steamer; Offices, South African House, —
94-96 Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C. 7

GIBB, Alderman THOMAS ECCLESTON, St. Pancras
Vestry Hall, N.W.

Gipsons, F. and E., 19 Ranelagh Street, Liver- —
pool. MA

GIBBONS, FRED. C., Wantage, Berkshire.

Gipes, H, Carr, 13 Branksome Terrace, Bourne- —
mouth, Hants. 4

Gipps, Henry Hucks, Aldenham House, near
Elstree, Herts. E

GIBSON, Rev. J. M., M.A., D.D., 15 Cleve Road,
N.W. q


Gipson, JOHN, F.R.I.B.A, 13 Great Queen Street, a

Westminster, S.W. i
GIBSON, ROBERT, Marine Villa, Portobello. 4
GIBSON, WILLIAM, 10 Belle Vue Crescent, Tunstall

Road, Sunderland. ;
Ginson, Wm. Aucusrus, Mansion House Build- 4

ings, 4 Queen Victoria Street, E.C.