BROWN, JAMES, 3 Springfield Villas, Brunswick
Terrace, Camberwell.
Brown, JAMEs, and SON, 35 Mitchell Street,
Brown, JOHN, 37 Merchant Street, E.
Brown, JOHN, 38 Mincing Lane, E.C.
BROWN, JOHN JOHNSON, 5 Market Place, Prescot.
Brown, JOHN, Pound Hill, Crawley, Sussex.
Brown, MOUNT, 39 St. Mary at Hill, E.C.
Brown, THOMAS, 5 Falcon Street, E.C.
Brown, WALTER E., Swansea.
BROWN, WILLIAM, 26 Princes Street, Edinburgh.
Brown, WILLIAM, St. Helen’s, Kelso.
Brown, WILLIAM SETON, 6 Sussex Square, Hyde
Park, W.
Brown and Co., Market House, Blackburn.
BROWNE, JOHN, Chertsey House, Croydon.
Browne, WILLIAM, Tallantire Hall, Cockermouth,
BROWNELL, P. C., Alderley Edge.
. BROWNING, A. GIRAUD, F.S.A., 16 Victoria Street,
Westminster Abbey, S.W.
BROWNING, JOHN, 63 Strand, W.C.
BROWNLOV, Captain A., Royal Navy, C.B., 35 Con¬
naught Square, Hyde Park, W.
Bruce, Miss, Oaklands, Priory Road, West Hamp¬
stead, N.W,
BRuCE, JOHN, to Syon Street, Tynemouth.
Brurton, Harry D., 17 Gracechurch Street, E.C.
Brunton, T. LAUDER, ro Stratford Place, W.
Bruton, DANIEL YEO, 12 Crane Court, Fleet
Street, E.C.
Bryan, W. J., 40 Outram Road, Addiscombe.
Bryant, Howe t G., Bridgwater, Somerset.
Bryant, THOMAS, 65 Grosvenor Street, Grosvenor
Square, W,
Brycr, Davin, and Son, Glasgow.
. Bucuanan, Miss M., 73 Victoria Road, Stroud
| Green, N.
. Bucuanay, N., 31 Alexandra Road, N.W,
Buck, Dr., Settle, Yorkshire.
Buck, W. E., 16 Limesford Road, Nunhead, S.E.
BUCKELL, ROBERT, Mayor of Oxford, 32 Beau¬
mont Street, Oxford.
BUCKINGHAM, H. R., The Acacias, Coldharbour
Lane, S.E.
BUCKINGHAM, J.S., 91 Fairfax Road, South Hamp¬
stead, N.W.
BuCKLAND, J. W., 130 Lower Addiscombe Road,
Croydon, Surrey.
BUCKLEY, EDMUND, Milford Hall, Newtown, North
BUCKLEY, Rev. WILLIAM, St. Mary’s, Sunderland.
BuUCKLEY, THOMAS H. WI son, Oaklawn, Crawley
Down, Sussex.
BUCKTON, JAMES RHOADES, Fairfield Hall, Warring¬
BUCKWELL, Rev. WILLIAM B., M.A., Cheriton
Rectory, Shorncliffe.
Bupp, NATHANIEL, 3 Queen Street, Wolver¬
hampton. |
BUDGETT, W. HILL, Gatcombe Court, Long Ashton,
BuHL, THEODORE, 11 Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
BULBECK, JOHN F., Holme, Carnforth, Westmor¬
BULL and Son, Victoria Road, Surbiton.
BULLAR, Mrs., Basset Wood, near Southampton.
BULLMORE, THOMAS, 11 Western Shore, Southamp¬
Bumpus, E., 5 and 6 Holborn Bars, E.C.
BuMpus, JOHN, 350 Oxford Street, W.
Bumpus, THOMAs, Hampstead, N.W.
BuNCHER, A. J., 33 Whittall Street, Birmingham.
BuNbocK, WILLIAM, 24 ‘Tent Street, Bethnal
Green, E.
BURBIDGE, JAMES, Shaftesbury.
BURCKHARDT, H., 49 Mardol, Shrewsbury.
Burp, Epwarp, M.D., Newport House, Shrews¬
Burp, J. S., Cresswell, Compton Gifford, Plymouth.
BurRDETT, HENRY C., The Lodge, Porchester
Square, W.
Buroitt, F. N., 47 Wellington Street, Luton,
BuRFORD, Epwin, Cheshunt Cottage, Strawberry
Vale, Twickenham.