OCR Output

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spared. The maximum of
ornament is associated with
the minimum of design, and
the chief modern buildings of
the city are much more re¬
markable for their cost than
for their beauty. This is but
a melancholy conclusion to be
forced upon us; but if any one
doubts its correctness let him
spend a few hours in examin¬
ing Kent’s book on Inigo
Jones or Campbellt s Vztruvius

Britannicus, and let him then

thing and care less about proportion,
and think they have done something
fine when they have imported a
design bodily from abroad, as, for
instance, in a new india-rubber ware¬
house in Cheapside, which looks as
if it had stepped across from Bruges,
or the front of a Venetian palazzo
which faces the Bank of England
in Lothbury. Everywhere money
has been lavished, brains have been