OCR Output


: Royal Mail Steam

, Packet Company, a
plain, useful-look¬
ing building.

The brief survey
here attempted of
some of the great

— thoroughfares of
i the city leaves an
impression of sad¬
ness on the mind.
London has been
practically rebuilt

since the beginning

of the present reign,
yet how little is there of good architecture to be seen anywhere. Some
of the new houses would be a disgrace to any city. The designs of

costly structures,

covered with

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coloured marbles

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s * _ and polished

: 1118 .
» granite, are often

unworthy of a gin
palace. The great
Gothic revival is
chiefly to blame
for this melan¬
mm choly state of
: si things. Archi¬

tects know no¬