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tion in English; in both there were references to the ‘treachery and
malice of the Popish faction.’ Naturally this inscription disappeared
in the reign of James II, but it was renewed at the coming of
William and Mary, and served Pope for a simile in one of his poems—

Where London’s column pointing to the skies,
Like a tall bully, lifts its head and lies.

This inscription was only finally erased in 1831.

The Monument 1s unquestionably a fine work of art. The railing
at the top was by Wrens direction ‘‘made of substantiall, well forged
worke, there being noe need at that distance of filed work.” Some five
or six people threw themselves from the gallery. In 1842, as Cunning¬
ham drily observes, "this kind of death becoming popular, it was

deemed advisable to encage and disfigure the Monument as we now

see it.”

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