so fond. It was to have flames springing out all over it, presumably of gilt bronze. On the top was to be an immense vase, from which also flames were to rise, and on the top of all was to be a phoenix, with outspread wings. Eventually, however, the design was changed. A fluted column Was substituted without flames, and it was decided to put a Statue of Charles II on the top. some pieces of stone from the platform at the top. It was erected, as everybody knows, to commemorate the Great Fire of 1666; or, to speak more strictly, to commemorate the rebuilding of the city in an incredibly short space of time after that prodigious calamity. Wren’s first sketch represents an unfluted column of the Tuscan-Doric order, of which he was 2 N UNLOADING BARGES AT A CITY WHARF